Manuel Dos Anjos

Senior Facade Engineer

Manuel is a highly skilled and qualified Senior Façade Engineer with over four years of experience at FMDC.  He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad Rafael Urdaneta in Maracaibo, Venezuela, and a Master of Science degree in Building Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy.

Manuel joined FMDC as a graduate engineer in 2019 and has recently been promoted to Senior Façade Engineer. He is enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and has an inquiring mind, not afraid to ask questions and to challenge established ideas, in the search for something better.

Manuel’s job duties span a wide range of tasks, and he is adept at handling technical and management duties on projects. His expertise includes structural and building physics calculations, detailing, specification compliance checking, and management of staff. His motivation stems from a passion for creating functional, long-lasting, and sustainable facades in beautiful buildings.

Manuel a talented engineer, but also a skilled team player, arranging CPDs and presentations within the office, managing staff, and checking their work.  His enthusiasm and positive outlook are highly valued by team members and clients. Manuel also represents FMDC at external industry events, continuously gaining knowledge and sharing it with his team.

In his spare time, he enjoys music playing his guitar, swimming, photography, and visiting new places and cultures all the while discovering outstanding nature and photographing it.

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