Lefteris Siamopoulos

Associate Facade Consultant

Lefteris is an Associate Façade Consultant with over 8 years of experience working as a Façade Engineer in the UK, as is one of our most talented designers and communicators. He holds an MArch in Architectural Engineering (NTUA) and an MSc in Building Technology (TU Delft). He is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of the Society of Façade Engineers (SFE).

Lefteris approaches complex façade challenges with creativity, underpinned by his technical skills and extensive hands-on experience and practical problem solving mindset. He has delivered successfully numerous projects, where he was involved from the concept design to completion on site. He enjoys demonstrating his ideas through hand-sketching and 3D models, and is passionate about sustainability. Lefteris has worked on numerous signature projects in the UK for FMDC including; South Molton Triangle, 33 Piccadilly, 81 Newgate Street, Capella at Kings Cross and The Network Building, to name a few.

For leisure he enjoys hiking, swimming and travelling.

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