FMDC Ltd were delighted to learn that 25 Cannon Street has recently won the Schüco Excellence Awards 2023 in the Commercial and Mixed-Use Development category. The project by Buckley Gray Yeoman architects for Client Pembroke consists of the full ‘cut and carve’ remodelling and extension of an existing office building, a short walk from St Paul’s cathedral in the City of London. FMDC Ltd were delighted to have contributed to this project both as façade consultants and stone experts, during design stages and post-contract, as part of the Client Monitoring Team. BAM UK & Ireland were the main Contractor for the project, with DANE ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS as subcontractors for the new cladding and glazing elements and PUTNEY & WOOD LIMITED for the existing and new stonework.
Congratulations to all involved in this landmark scheme!
FMDC Ltd | Buckley Gray Yeoman | Pembroke | BAM UK & Ireland | DANE ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS | PUTNEY & WOOD LIMITED
Duncan Richards | Emmanuel 👁 Bringer | Brian McCarron | Richard Owen