2023 was another incredibly busy year for FMDC Ltd, which saw the completion of several significant projects, captured in the animated round-up below. These include 1 Ashley Road and Cadence by Alison Brooks Architects, Berners + Wells by Emrys Architects, Arding & Hobbs by Stiff + Trevillion Architects, Norfolk House by Make Architects, Pensinsula London by Hopkins Architects, 21 Moorfields by WilkinsonEyre, 1 Keskidee Square and Montacute Yards by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, to name but a few. We are busier than ever, currently working on major projects and new work – both in London and further afield – and looking forward to working with you in 2024!
FMDC Ltd | Alison Brooks Architects | Emrys Architects | Stiff + Trevillion Architects | Make Architects | Hopkins Architects | WilkinsonEyre | Allford Hall Monaghan Morris